Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Goodbye HOGC

Dear HOGC,

My year of service is over! But, as I reflect on this past year, I choose to reflect on the positive and concentrate on moving forward and continuing to advance the common good to others. This year has been an incredibly crazy one for myself but I'm proud to say that I've made it! When I was offered a Volunteer Coordinator position on Dec 12, 2008, I was nervous about accepting it. I wasn't sure whether or not I could perform all of the tasks. Boy was I wrong! I came here, I did my job, and I helped "Be The Change".

The memories that I've made while being here have been incredible. The members that I have created lasting friendships with, the projects that I have been priveleged to help with, the service day that wouldn't have happened if it hadn't been for Kels & Ash, and the many networking opportunities that I've been afforded...are the best parts of this journey that I've been on over the past ten months.

I wish the organization much success and I can only hope and pray that HOGC will become a powerhouse non-profit. I wish the incoming AmeriCorps members much success w/ their upcoming year of service.

Much love,

Kevin J.
2009 AmeriCorps State Member
Volunteer Coordinator
Hands On Gulf Coast

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